Friday, June 18, 2010

backpack-cat spray

Well, it's about a new backpack and a cat...and moving a young relative..

Not long ago I went to help my son move. It went OK - for not having a truck.

There were two ill trained cats there. I saw one of them climbing in and out of open car windows. I kept my Subaru closed, except while I was going back and forth to load a dresser in the back.

In the front seat was my new Swiss Guard day pack - made by Wenger, one of the two real Swiss army knife companies, guaranteed for life, pricey and a joy to use everyday.

Got done loading, got in the car AND SMELLED CAT!

It turns out that my new pack got cat-sprayed. You know, that territorial scent gland thing they do. Yup, right on the front of my new day pack, which I DO use every day.

That was three weeks ago and no amount of Fabreeze, etc. has diminished the funkiness. I don't want to have to wash the pack, but may have to. It's hard on packs.

I'm sure this will be hilarious at some point in the future.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry...but you know, there is NO way to get cat pee smell out. I wish I could tell you otherwise but it's horrible and everlasting. We had to throw out a chair years ago because we could not get the smell out.
